The poor state of students' mental health and academic achievement have little to do with identity stuff and nothing to do with campus protests. They're the results of decades of mismanagement.
Fantastic details I've read nowhere else! The last time I was in a college classroom was 1980, and I feel sorry for today's students. Not only is "the personal political;" "the academic personal is political," and severe academic decline is reflected in the sharp decline of the American empire. Just look around the world and compare how the US is doing with other countries.
Have you personally had any exposure the the Chinese and Russian "Higher Ed" systems and how they compare to the US?
Fantastic details I've read nowhere else! The last time I was in a college classroom was 1980, and I feel sorry for today's students. Not only is "the personal political;" "the academic personal is political," and severe academic decline is reflected in the sharp decline of the American empire. Just look around the world and compare how the US is doing with other countries.
Have you personally had any exposure the the Chinese and Russian "Higher Ed" systems and how they compare to the US?